If you're not the owner
If you aren't the vehicle owner, you can't create your own digital key. You need to ask the owner to share their digital key with you instead.
Setting up a digital key for the first time as the owner
When you first set up your Volvo ID, you will receive an activation link via text message or email. If you enter the vehicle and follow this link, the digital key pairing guide will appear on your phone. However, if you skip this step during setup, you can still create a digital key at any time.
Moving the key to another device
When the owner has created a digital key, they will receive another activation link. This link can be used to move the digital key to another device, such as a new phone. This can also be done through the center display by accessing the profile settings, selecting the owner profile and then selecting the option to change the owner device.
Friend keys and key sharing
As the owner, you can share keys with your family and friends. Open your digital key in your phone's wallet app to find the sharing option.