Deploying the towbar

The towbar can be used for connecting trailers or carrying objects such as bike racks. For safety reasons, it is important to carefully follow the instructions for using the towbar.

On the right-hand side of the boot's interior, you will find a small touch panel. When the towbar is available for use, the towbar symbol on the panel illuminates.

Towbar touch panel


Do not press the extend/retract button if anything is attached to the towbar.

Do not stand too closely to the middle rear of the car during towbar deployment.

To extend the towbar, press the touch panel.
As the towbar extends, the symbol on the touch panel flashes.


If there is an obstacle to the towbar in the direction it is folding out towards, the towbar changes its folding direction to avoid that obstacle.

If the touch panel is pressed for a few seconds, the towbar deploys more forcefully than normal. Examples of when this can be used include if there is dry mud or ice that hinders normal deployment.

To retract the towbar, press the touch panel.
As the towbar retracts, the symbol on the touch panel flashes.


Make sure there is no plug or adaptor in the electrical socket when retracting the towbar.


The centre display shows information and warnings if the towbar is not deployed properly.


If there appears to be any functional problems with the towbar, do not attempt to resolve the problem yourself. An authorised Volvo workshop is recommended for any repairs or servicing. Contact Volvo support to schedule an appointment.